Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Men Have More Manly Kilt Skirt Choices Than Forebears Did

Surely by now you’ve already heard of kilts and what they look like. In this day and age, kilts are still an excellent wardrobe choice for many occasions. They are unique and portray a powerful sense of strength. Scotland shows off their culture with this extraordinary attire. It has become popular for other countries to enjoy wearing these for many different types of occasions.

The ‘Man Skirt’s’ Long History

These garments have a long and impressive history. There are many styles available to choose from. They have been in circulation since the 16th century. They continue to evolve in every way. This is a fashion style that is quickly gaining ground in modern fashion. They are durable, comfortable, and had been worn by the finest Celtic warriors from Roman times.

Sunday, July 24, 2016

Tips & Tricks to a Great Fitting Kilt: Some Measurement and Fitting Tips You Need to Know When Shopping for a Kilt

Arguably, the trickiest part of shopping for a great quality kilt is getting it to fit just right. Just because you can put it on, doesn’t necessarily mean that that it’s the kilt you should be wearing whether it is to a formal wedding, a casual social gathering, or a tough man event. Kilts aren’t like cheap jeans where a ‘close enough’ fit looks OK. A kilt that is fitted correctly just looks and feels right. Here’s our biggest tips you’ll want to remember when you’re trying to size the perfect kilt.

Know Your Measurements

Getting your exact measurements isn’t exactly rocket science but it’s harder to do on your own. Trust us, you’ll need someone to help you get the measurements right. You could even go to a local tailor who often will just measure you for free.

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

It’s Not Just About Kilts: Fast Facts for the Highland Games Newbie

If you’re in the market for sports and/or utility kilts, there’s a good chance you’re gearing up for an upcoming Highland Games. You could also the newbie spectator wanting to look the part. By now you’ve heard that kilts are mandatory – for everyone but audience members – and curiosity has led you to read more on the traditional Scottish dress. (You could also be introducing friends to their first Games experience and want to make sure you mentor them correctly in the ways of manly kilt wearing practice.)

Getting into kilts in a great starting point, but there are a few more things you should know about the Highland Games. The following facts could help you better familiarize yourself with the event.

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

The Rise of Stylish Scottish Kilts with Everyday Functionality

The humble kilt has a long-standing history, as colorful and as sturdy as its Scottish roots. Fast forward to the 21stcentury, however, and it’s now evolved into something that’s not only practical and utilitarian but also fashionable.

What is a Kilt?

Kilts are designed with vertical pleated tartan cloth. Originally a traditional dress for Scottish men and women, it covers all the way to the knee. It is worn as a wrap-around, secured by straps and buckles on both ends. Traditional, typical kilts are commonly made of twill woven worsted wool. It can use up as much as 6 to 8 yards of single-width cloth, while a double-width tartan fabric can get about 3 to 4 yards.

Monday, May 16, 2016

Traditional Kilts To The Modern Utility Kilt

If there’s one thing that can be send about the people from Scotland, it’s that they love two things – their football, and their kilts. While most people outside of Scotland think of kilts as simply a plaid skirt that men wear, there’s actually more to it than meets the eye.

History of Kilts

The kilt is considered to be the national dress of Scotland. Considered a garment to be worn on special occasions by many, it actually has deep cultural and historical roots. Kilts have been around since the 16th century. The term is a Scot word that referred to garment tuck up around the body. A number of records point to the tartan wrap as the origin of kilts.